Protection énergétique: les super-pouvoirs du gros sel.

Energy protection: the superpowers of coarse salt.

Have you ever wondered why you don't feel well in certain rooms of your house, for no apparent reason...? Apart from Aunt Jeannette's decoration, but that's another subject!

It happens that the places are loaded in negative energies for various reasons. And to feel them, nothing like our sixth sense, it never deceives us!

The good news is that simple methods exist in order to protect against negative energies and entities present in a place or on a person you meet.

Among these different methods, there is the best known of all: Coarse salt.

For millennia, unrefined coarse salt has been used to purify places. It absorbs negative energies and information being in its environment. It even does more, since it erases all memories (good or bad) of a place or a person. It resets the counters to zero.

The method consists of placing coarse salt in your home. That is:

  • 1 kg in a large salad bowl, placed in the central room of your home, but let's face it, it's not very aesthetic;
  • or 100 g in small containers scattered in the four corners of a bedroom, an office, a living room or your home.

This coarse sea salt will take care of the bad energies that you or the people coming to see you carry. It erases all negative memories present or arriving in the place.

Subsequently, it will be important to regularly observe the color of this salt . This is why transparent glass salad bowls are to be preferred. When the color becomes dark, black , or that the salt becomes wet , it 's time to renew it!

Coarse salt will need to be changed every two to three months , depending on the number of people who live there and who come to visit.

Now, here is a little practical test to check if there are harmful energies in your home:

Pour 1 kg of sea salt into a container, add water up to the level of the salt, no more and observe what happens. If you find that the salt begins to rise on the walls of the container, or even overflows from it, this indicates that a harmful action has been taken against the place or some of its inhabitants . In this case, it is therefore necessary to call in a specialist in order to carry out a great cleaning of yourself, the occupants and the place itself.

There is also another solution, which consists of bringing a pickaxe and a shovel and valiantly going in search of whoever has dared to do this....And I am sure that you have already a small idea...!

Jokes aside... I hope you enjoyed this article, it was the very first one, so it inaugurated the magazine of the concept store and I confess that I am quite proud of it!

See you soon with another article,

In the meantime, take care of yourself!

the scout

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Bonjour, je vous remercie pour vos conseils. J ai hâte de lire la suite.

Monseur Francine

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