Énergies de la semaine du 22 au 28 Mai 2023

Energies of the week from May 22 to 28, 2023

Hello friends,

I hope you're doing well !

Exceptionally, I have prepared the energies of the week for you in written form because I have a recording problem with the videos, the equipment I use no longer works...ooooh joy, happiness! This should be fixed sometime next week! Concerning the special sentimental video that I wanted to make for you this week, that was also impossible but it will be online as soon as I received my new material and recorded the guidance ;-)

For those who don't know my YouTube channel yet, it's here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcm3j6jaB6l2272uHqRMWUw

In the meantime, here are the energies of the week from May 22 to 28, you can choose between the 3 vials above and refer to the choice you made, just below. I wanted to keep the framework that I use during the videos so when written down, it makes reading! XD

Beautiful day,

I kiss you.

General energies

This week we're talking to you about a departure, a distance, whether on a physical, emotional and/or mental level.

This “departure” will allow you to break a pattern linked to a lack of self-confidence and move you towards a phase of growth and personal evolution.

By letting yourself be carried by these new energies, you are heading straight towards victory!

By specifying the cards, we can see that this distance can be related to an (older) man.

If this concerns the professional field, it is possible that this drawing tells you about a man of power (hierarchical superior) with whom there was a form of betrayal and hypocrisy.

We can see that this position was close to your heart but it seems that you are currently at an impasse and that you have encountered quite a few obstacles. This has led you to psychological isolation, since the winter period, for some.

We advise you to leave this situation, because, by taking this step, you will encounter new opportunities which will be much more fulfilling for you. It’s a chance that gave you the opportunity to start a new chapter!

If it speaks to you more about the sentimental domain, it's the same. He advised you to move away from a person (man), with whom there was love but many pitfalls and pretenses. By having the courage to leave this situation, you will come out of your isolation, break a repetitive pattern and have the opportunity to move towards personal development. Give yourself the time you need to heal, it’s important!

Sentimental side

By making this sentimental draw, another situation emerged. It may be a continuation of the previous draw or concern a completely different situation. Listen to what resonates within you.

We can see that you are currently in a breakup phase. It could be a past or current breakup. There is mourning to be done over this relationship because you need to renew your energies to create a new encounter/relationship.

We also tell you about a meeting through synchronicities, which can take place during an outing and in which there is or will be a lot of exchanges by messages, telephones, social networks, etc.

You are told that in this meeting/relationship, there are strong feelings. It is possible that there is a geographical distance between you and that travel will be necessary to bring you closer together. We also talk to you about spiritual connection.

Your advice card: Intuition

You are faced with a crucial choice. He advised you to trust your intuition. Don't doubt that this is the right choice for you right now. Make this decision with full knowledge of the facts. Reason and your heart will allow you to find the answer. Honor your instinct. If your little inner voice tells you to walk away from a situation or a person, listen to it!

General energies

For this week, we're talking to you about a departure, a duality, which will lead you towards a cycle of transformation. In fact, you are being told that your situation is changing and that you are moving towards the realization of new projects and/or an emotional realization.

With the 2nd drawing which clarifies the previous cards, we can see that this cycle of transformation is linked to the professional.

It is possible that you are currently in a position in which you no longer feel fulfilled and where you feel like you are failing. You are asked to search your heart and decide what you really want. It's a gift that you will give yourself by listening to your desires.

You are also told that a new proposal will come to you during the spring period, through communications (telephone, oral, etc.). This is something you don't expect at all!

We can see that you will be offered a contract, with good remuneration. This new path will allow you to regain self-confidence and you will be recognized for your true value.

Sentimental side

On the heart side, we tell you about an encounter that you may have had or that you will have through work. This will be experienced as a gift and there are or will be strong feelings between you.

Currently, you are waiting for this renewal in your love life but part of you and your energies are not ready. We advise you to look at yourself with kindness and take the time to heal.

The person who is destined for you is a very important meeting because there is a spiritual connection between you. And like you, she needs to work on herself again and make her progress before you (re)find each other. Currently she is becoming aware of the feelings she feels for you, we ask you to be patient during this process.

It is possible that you already know each other and that you have experienced one or more phases of breakups. If this is the case and you are currently separated, you are told to realize that this is not good for you and that there are things to resolve regarding your wounds in order to take a brighter and to be at peace with yourself.

Your advice card: Care

It’s time to put yourself first and put your wants and needs ahead of the demands and expectations of others. Take the time to take care of your own desires. Sometimes it happens that you have no energy, that you have given everything you have and that you can no longer make any effort. In other words, sometimes the cup is full... In this case, just try to give yourself the time, care and all the attention that you usually give to others. Know that your efforts will soon be rewarded. By taking care of yourself, you begin to discover how to elevate your soul, body and spirit!

General energies

For this week, we're talking to you about the power of seduction and attraction, in a situation closely linked to your destiny. This may concern a meeting, a reunion or a professional change. In any case, we announce to you a rebirth and a transformation.

By specifying the cards, two situations emerge. See what speaks to you the most.

The first concerns the professional and/or administrative field. We can see that currently, you find yourself in a fairly barren situation and that this is affecting your finances. This “empty patch” still allowed you to refocus on yourself and find a certain calm, despite your worries. You are told that this period will come to an end thanks to communication. An opportunity will be offered to you, it will be a renewal and you will find beautiful harmony in your life!

The second situation concerns the sentimental. It is possible that you were hoping for a fulfilling relationship with a man (or a woman, adapt according to your case) who probably has a child, a rather young daughter for some. There were misunderstandings and a form of betrayal between you, which led you to isolation, a period of sentimental “desert”. You are told that an opportunity for dialogue will present itself and that you will find harmony again. The situation will change.

Sentimental side

This sentimental print clearly confirms and completes the previous one, seen above!

You are told that there has been a distance between this person and you and that you have your free will to continue in this direction or to choose another future. This man or woman does have one or more children. This may also be the case for you. In any case, it is an important factor in your relationship.

We also talk to you about emotional dependence, that is to say that one of you (or both) needs the gaze of the other to love each other and feel at peace. This affects your love life and there is a need to begin or finish this work of emotional liberation.

The last three cards tell you that this person is currently in full awareness of their love for you and/or various plans for their life. She needs time and to be alone, which can lead to rejection from her. It's not against you, it's just that she's not ready to create anything new yet.

But as we saw in the previous draw, there is indeed a communication that will arrive and which will unblock the situation. This resumption of the relationship will be done in a discreet/secret manner. This may be advice to protect yourself from “what people will say” at first.

Your advice card: Transformation


Positive transformation is taking place in important areas of your existence. Life as you know it is about to change. Be ready to be part of this change. Every ending begets a new beginning. Have confidence and free yourself from the past. It's time to change your present so that the future resembles your destiny!

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